ncco | NC Consulting & Co

Blurry photo of balloons and sparklers at night

Thank you to all our clients… see you in 2021!

We’re almost there – the end of 2020! 🥳

The past 12 months have been a rollercoaster, haven’t they?

But amongst all the negative things that have been going on, we’ve definitely had lots of positives to celebrate this past year here at ncco.

Some of our highlights include:

– a complete re-brand
– Business All-Stars Thought Leader Accreditation for our CEO, Natalie Cooke
– collaborations with each one of our clients

Our clients are the reason we do what we do and so a big


to all of you whom we’ve had the pleasure of working with in 2020.

You’ve come from Ireland, UAE, Scotland, Romania, US, Canada and beyond xxx …

… and across so many sectors that it’s mind-boggling!

💶 financial
💊 pharmaceutical
🤖 robotics
🔧 engineering
🚜 agriculture
📚 books (retail & publisher)
👨‍🎓 education
💾 IT
🛫 travel
🏥 healthcare
💺 ergonomics specialists
📢 public bodies
🎨 graphics
🥕 food
💻 fintech
📒 accountants
🧘‍♀️ health & wellness

We’re excited to keep adding to that list!

Wishing everyone the loveliest of breaks over the holiday season and see you in 2021!

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