ncco | NC Consulting & Co

ncco Services graphic

A full suite of services...

We work with your company from the inside out to ensure that your Business Process Management and CRM/ERP systems are aligned with your Design thinking and Brand strategy.

True Digital Transformation.

We can create full brand design services and then go deeper. The brand is your company’s ethics, values, story principles, image and offerings. We build on that by finding the correct tools to drive your business. A company will thrive once it addresses and integrates core processes such as Administration, CRM, Accounts, ERP, Project Management, Sales, Marketing (incl Digital), Support & Customer Care. These provide the structure. We help you to build and drive your brand, thus leading you to identify core KPI’s, creating a high performance culture that results in brand success and increased returns.

Our founder, Natalie Cooke, is an Independent CRM Consultant – meaning you get unbiased, no-nonsense advise that’s right for your business.

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